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In the grip of the Mullah: A tale of adventure in Somaliland Page 3
In the grip of the Mullah: A tale of adventure in Somaliland Read online
Page 3
"Now come out to the verandah," said Mr. Andrews, taking James by thearm as soon as tiffin was finished. "I have a couple of comfortablechairs there, in which we can lounge, for just now is the hottest partof the day, and no European ventures abroad unless compelled to byunforeseen circumstances."
Leaving the airy dining-room, the two stepped on to a broad pavedverandah, which entirely surrounded the bungalow, and took their seatsin a shady nook.
Above their heads was a thickly thatched roof, the eaves of whichprojected so far beyond the supporting posts as to make a broad stretchof shadow beneath. But as they lay in their chairs, Jim and his newfriend could easily see beneath it. For the moment they sat there insilence. Indeed, Jim was lost in admiration, for Mr. Andrews had createdfor himself a perfect English garden. Glancing between the pillars,about which clung roses, jasmine, and honeysuckle, and many anothercreeper, he looked out upon beds of brilliant flowers, laid out inorderly array, and flashing gorgeously in the rays of the Eastern sun.
"I've only to forget the bungalow, and imagine myself in old Englandagain," said Mr. Andrews. "That garden is just one of the luxuries Iallow myself, and which helps to make life more pleasant here. Some dayI hope to end my exile and return home, for, however fascinating brightand continuous sunshine may be, to return to one's native country isalways a pleasure to which we who live out here look forward. But hereis someone coming through the gate. Ah, I see, it's the gentleman ofwhom I was speaking."
He sprang from his seat and went toward the steps to greet his visitor.As for Jim, he watched with some interest to see what kind of man thisstranger should prove to be.
"I hope I shall like him," he said to himself, "for it would bedisastrous to our expedition if we were to fall foul of each other. Buthere he is, and--yes, he looks a good fellow, and I am sure we shall beexcellent friends."
As this passed through his mind the visitor mounted the steps, and Jimobtained a clear view of his features. He was tall and thin, with fairhair and clean-shaven face, and, as far as one could guess, was abouttwenty-five years of age.
"Ah, how do, Andrews?" he exclaimed cheerily, springing with one boundon to the verandah. "Glad to see you, my dear fellow. I heard that theship had arrived, and so came along to have a chat, and to meet the Mr.Hubbard of whom you were speaking."
"There he is, then," cried Mr. Andrews, turning to Jim; "and he, too, isanxious to make your acquaintance."
A moment later the two were shaking hands, each greeting the other witha steady look, which seemed to say, "I want to know what sort of a chapyou are, and how we are likely to get along together."
"Glad to meet you, and I hope we shall be good friends. My name isDixon--Tom Dixon; Tom for short."
"And mine is James--James Hubbard, you know," said our hero, with afriendly smile. "Mr. Andrews tells me that you, too, are bound forSomaliland, and have suggested accompanying me. I need not say that Ishall be delighted, for it would be dreary work to go alone. But Iwould do it if necessary, for my father's life depends upon my going."
"Quite so, and that is just where we shall agree," was the ready answer;"for you must understand that I am a secret agent, an Intelligenceofficer, as we are often called, and----But one minute. Are we alone,Andrews? For my news is of great importance, and if your native servantswere to obtain an inkling of it, the tidings would fly at once, andreach the ears of the Mullah in an incredibly short space of time. It isa fact," he continued, noticing the look of surprise with which Jimgreeted his remark. "Our dusky friend has a perfect system of espionage,which would shame that of many a European country. Tales of a comingexpedition told across the dinner-table in these bungalows are whisperedin the native bazaars before a day has gone, and I speak only the truthwhen I say that the first ship for Berbera or the Somali coast, whetherit be a steamer, a native dhow, or a rascally gun-runner, bears a manwhose duty it is to pass on his information to the Mullah. Why, he knowswell that the British Government is now buying camels here and trainingand equipping a native levy at Berbera. Our camp there is full of spies,and I do not exaggerate when I tell you that the movements of our troopsare known by the Mullah almost before they are by our officers. So, takemy advice, and go about with your lips closed and your eyes very wideopen."
Tom Dixon spoke in the most earnest manner, and lifted his finger, as ifthereby to impress Jim with his warning. And, indeed, he was making noerroneous statement, and telling only the truth when he described theextraordinary manner in which news is conveyed into the heart ofSomaliland.
"Make your mind easy, Tom," said Mr. Andrews, reassuringly, steppingacross the verandah to look into the dining-room. "The servants are allon the other side of the bungalow, and out of earshot, so that you mayspeak here without fear of the consequences, and chat this matter overto your heart's content. But your warning is a timely one, and, indeed,has only forestalled by a few minutes the advice I was about to give ouryoung friend. Ever since this matter cropped up, I have kept it a deadsecret between myself and the British Governor, you, of course, beingalso included. I have gone so far as to set aside a certain number ofcamels of the trotting and of the transport variety, and have alsoengaged some fifty followers. They were despatched from here a month agofor the service of the Government. But this is a more urgent matter,and, with the Governor's permission, I have arranged that you shall havethem. When you arrive at Berbera, you will find them all encampedoutside the town. Ali Kumar, a shikari of noted reputation, and atrustworthy fellow, will be there to head the followers and guide youthrough the country, while some twenty miles along the coast is avillage in which lives the man who gave information about the survivorof the wreck. I have purposely refrained from engaging him in anycapacity, but my agent at Berbera has seen him, and has informed himthat a relative of the survivor will come to speak with him. That meansreward, or 'backsheesh,' as these Somali fellows know it, and you may besure that he will not fail you."
"Splendid!" exclaimed Jim. "Then, thanks to your kindness andforethought, there will be little or no delay, and, so far as I can see,the weapons and ammunition which are coming from England are the onlythings that can keep us waiting, and my uncle promised that they shouldbe here within a few days of my arrival. What luck, too, to have gothold of Ali Kumar, for he is the very man I was told to engage."
"I know him well, and can tell you that he is a capital fellow,"answered Mr. Andrews. "But to continue my story. All these preparationshave been made in the quietest and most secret manner possible. Once youand Tom arrive at Berbera, you have only to ride out to this camp. Then,when night falls, you can slip away and march along the coast. There isa headland, forty miles east of Berbera, where you had better camp for afew days, keeping a bright look-out for a certain native dhow, whichwill bring you your rifles, ammunition, and stores. By acting in thisway, you will be able to leave the coast for the interior without anyonebeing aware of your intentions--at least, I hope you may. Tom and I havetalked the matter over, for he is as anxious as you to get away withoutthe news reaching the Mullah's ears."
"Just so," interposed Tom. "You see, Hubbard, your search will carry youinto the very heart of the Mullah's country, and as I am anxious toobtain full information of his doings, I, too, am bound in thatdirection. If he had the slightest notion of our intentions, you may besure that he would do his utmost to murder the whole lot of us, and soit is of great importance to keep him in ignorance. This is yourexpedition, but I propose that we share expenses, and the command also,if you like. You see, I have spent many years on the coast, and speakthe language like a native--a useful accomplishment for the job we havein hand. But I'm not a bit of a soldier, and when it comes to fighting Ishall have to look to you to pull us through. Nominally, you will be incharge of the expedition, but I think that by putting our heads togetherwe shall get along with greater success."
"I quite agree with you," responded Jim, thoughtfully; "the fact thatyou speak the language will be of the
greatest service, and as thisexpedition is to suit your purpose as well as mine, I feel sure that weshall not fall out when difficulties arise. But there is one thing Iwish to say. I must not have my movements hampered in any way, for itmay turn out that news of my father will reach us as soon as we get intothe interior. Perhaps, even, we may have the good fortune to rescue himat once, and in that case, my mission being ended, I should return tothe coast immediately."
"And I should not attempt to dissuade you," said Tom Dixon, with asmile. "If by that time I had not obtained information of the utmostvalue, it would be my own fault entirely; and besides, supposing youwere to rescue your father, I think there is but little doubt that weshould find it necessary to retire at once--in fact, to make a bolt forour lives, for the Mullah has a reputation for fierceness, and would noteasily forgive our boldness.
"But I have something else to tell you, which may cause you to prick upyour ears. It has come to my knowledge that a rascal here is about toship a load of guns across to Somaliland. Would you care to join me inan attempt to capture him? It would be a risky business, I tell youcandidly, but if we are successful, it would be a glorious adventure.You need not be afraid that it will delay us, for my plan is to shipaboard as a hand, and wait until close to the African coast. Thenmatters must depend upon circumstances. I shall endeavour to givewarning to one of the British gunboats stationed in these waters, and inthat case should allow myself to be taken prisoner without saying aword. But it is just possible that I may be unable to ascertain theexact destination for which we are bound, and in that case should haveto take my chance of capturing the dhow single-handed, or of looking onquietly while the guns were handed over to the Mullah's emissaries. Ifyou were with me, we could make a grand fight of it, for these dhowsseldom have more than four men aboard. Sometimes, of course, they carrya bigger crew, and if it were to turn out like that, we should have toalter our plans."
"But how am I to be smuggled aboard?" asked Jim, eagerly, delighted atthe thought of such an adventure. "I don't speak the language, andshould certainly be spotted the very moment I set foot upon the vessel."
"I don't think so," responded Tom Dixon, emphatically. "The natives inthese parts do all sorts of curious things, and it has just struck methat, by pretending that you have made a vow, you can get over thisdifficulty. We'll give it out that we come from some Somali tribe whichis friendly to the Mullah, and that we are willing to lend a hand inloading and unloading the dhow in return for our passage. I shall saythat you have sworn never to speak until you have made a pilgrimage toMecca. That is no uncommon vow, and amongst these fanatical people willraise you to their highest estimation."
"It sounds a likely story," cried Jim, "and I'll come with you. When doyou propose to start? And when are we likely to arrive on the Somalicoast?"
"That I cannot say, but I believe the dhow will sail within a couple ofdays, and two more should take us across the water. Then much dependsupon how matters turn out."
"It's a risky business," said Mr. Andrews, who had listened attentivelyall the while. "But I won't try to dissuade you, Hubbard, for the dangeris no greater than you will encounter in Somaliland, and I think theexperience you will get will help you in your search. It may turn outthat by going upon this dhow you will come across a native who knows ofyour father. In that case the risk will not have been taken for nothing,for you can rely upon it that Tom will worm his secrets out. Our friendis a thorough native, and I only tell you the bare truth when I say thathis get-up and behaviour are marvellous. You see, his father wasstationed here for many years, and Tom has made the most of hisopportunities."
"That is so," said Tom. "I used to be awfully fond of dressing up as anative and going down to the bazaar. Once or twice my disguise wasdiscovered, and if I hadn't taken to my heels, I should have come in forsome rough handling. But that is a very old tale, and I have played thetrick so often now that, when in native costume, I feel and act the partwith assurance. Indeed, I often forget that I am an Englishman, soabsorbed do I become, and many and many a time have I come from thebazaars primed with a piece of information that has proved of service toour Governor. And it is on that account that I have been employed as anIntelligence officer. But you'll come, then, Hubbard? That is splendid,for, with you to help me, I shall hope to bag these fellows. I proposethat you remain here till this evening, and then, when the servants haveretired after dinner, walk down the garden to the gate. I'll be there tomeet you, and together we'll go to my place. Mr. Andrews will look afteryour things here, and will send them over in the ship he spoke of."
Tom Dixon now rose, and, after chatting for a few moments with hisfriends, departed. For more than an hour Jim and Mr. Andrews sat on theverandah, talking in low tones, for there were many points to bearranged. Then Jim went to his room, and wrote a long letter to hisuncle, telling him all that was about to occur, and describing thepreparations which Mr. Andrews had made for his expedition.
"And now, as weapons will be required, I'll look to my revolvers," hesaid to himself. "I am very glad that I spent the time on board shippractising, for until then I had never fired anything but a toy pistol.Now, however, I can feel fairly sure of putting a bullet into a man atten yards' range, and, as they are heavy revolvers, that should be quiteenough to stop him. I have heard that these natives are very hardy, andwill stand far more knocking about than the average individual, but I'vea notion that if I were to hit the hardiest of them plump with one ofthese big bullets he would not require any more."
Unpacking his revolvers, he set to work to clean and thoroughly overhaulthem. Then wrapping them in a towel, together with a small box ofammunition, he placed them in one of his trunks until it was time tojoin Tom Dixon. Then he set to work to look through his possessions, andso absorbed did he become in the occupation that he did not notice thetime slipping by, and, when dinner was announced, could scarcely believethat it was already evening.
An hour later, having said good-bye to Mr. Andrews, he left thebungalow, with his bundle under his arm. When he emerged from the gateof the compound, he was joined by Tom Dixon.
"That you?" asked Tom, in a low voice.
"Yes; here I am," answered Jim.
"Then come along, old chap. We had better walk along silently, for Iknow these natives well, and caution in such matters pays. For instance,it's quite likely that someone is following you, just to see where youare going. The natives are the most curious people under the sun, andwill take no end of trouble over a little matter like this. But we'llsoon see. Come down here."
Catching Jim by the sleeve, Tom Dixon suddenly drew him into the deepshadow of a palm which grew close at hand, and whispered to him tocrouch low upon the ground. Ten minutes later their caution wasrewarded, for a dusky figure crept silently past them, and disappearedin the darkness.
"We'll give him five minutes to get well away," said Tom, "and thenwe'll move off in the opposite direction, and get to my place by adifferent route. I dare say all this secrecy seems unnecessary to you,but you've heard my warning."
"It does seem strange," Jim agreed, in a whisper. "Coming from oldEngland, where everything is so free and open, one is at first at a lossto understand the need for all this secrecy; but after what you havetold me, I can fully believe that our plans might easily be ruined,unless we kept them to ourselves. That fellow creeping after us just nowis an object-lesson which I shall not easily forget."
When sufficient time had elapsed to make it certain that there was nofear of detection, the two rose to their feet again, and leaving theshadow of the tree, went off in the opposite direction. In some twentyminutes' time they arrived at the outskirts of the town of Aden, and,pausing to make sure that they were unobserved, entered a narrowdoorway, which led to the interior of a native house.
"Ten paces to your front, and then stop," whispered Tom. "Now follow meclosely, and take care that the door does not bang in your face."
There was the creak of rusty hinges, and the snap of a lock being pushedback. Then, guided
by Tom's hand, Jim found himself descending a flightof rickety stairs, which groaned beneath his weight, and threatened todeposit him with more swiftness than was quite agreeable in the roombelow. A minute later a match flickered before his eyes, and he saw Tomapplying it to a candle, which quickly burned up and allowed him to takenote of his surroundings. To his astonishment he found himself in acomfortably-furnished room, with a tiny bed in one corner. There was awashhand-stand against the wall, and a couple of basket-chairs, while abig chest stood beneath a tiny window, which admitted light and air tothe room during the day, but which was now curtained with thickmaterial.
"Not exactly a model dwelling, or the kind of place that a Europeanwould choose for his residence in this hot climate," said Tom, with alaugh, "but it has the great advantage of obscurity. This is really partof a disused building, and it was whilst consorting with a gang ofrogues, whose secrets I was endeavouring to ascertain, that Iaccidentally discovered it. I at once saw that it was the very place forme, and promptly set about putting it in order. You see, I am supposedto be a kind of clerk to the Governor, though my duties in that way arepurely nominal. As a matter of fact, I turn up every now and again withbundles of papers in my hand, and have an audience with my chief. Butthe official-looking documents are a fraud, and my conversation has noreference to them. But to return to this room. I've the share of abungalow elsewhere, and when about to undertake one of my spyingadventures, I slip away from there during the night, for all the worldlike a thief, and find my way to this place. That chest is full ofdisguises, stains, and paints, and it takes but little more than an hourto transform myself into a worthy Parsee, a race of men engaged in tradein Aden. More often I leave this place as a simple coolie, and at timesI have appeared in more disreputable attire, such as is worn by thebudmashes, or criminal class of the town. Look here!"
Taking the candle with him, he went across the room to where the cheststood, and slipped in a key. Throwing open the lid, he disclosed aneatly packed interior, with a shallow tray at one end, which containeda number of wigs and hirsute adornments for the face.
"My stock-in-trade," said Tom, with some degree of pride. "It has takenme a long time to collect them, and so important do I consider thequestion of wigs, that I've gone to enormous trouble to provide myselfwith all those you see. After all, clothes are easily purchased. One hasmerely to go into the bazaars, and one will easily find every variety ofgarb worn by the natives in these parts. With the hair it is a differentmatter, and to obtain exactly what I wanted I have been compelled tomake every one of those little articles myself, for the slightestmistake in get-up would lead to discovery, and most likely to death. Buttake a seat, and let us decide how we are going to act."
Throwing himself upon the bed, Tom motioned Jim to one of the chairs,and then lay at full length, his hands behind his head, and his eyesfixed upon a patch of dingy light thrown by the flickering candle uponthe ceiling above. As for Jim, he sat back in his chair, lost inwonderment. Indeed, when he came to think the matter over, he couldscarcely believe that less than three weeks had passed since the firstnews of the wreck had reached his ears. Then he was just a schoolboy, onthe threshold of life, with no higher aim than to go up for hisexamination, and win a commission in the Army. In the meanwhile no worrytroubled his mind, and all his spare hours were taken up in anendeavour to excel in games, for he was passionately fond of exercise inany form. And now, in a moment it seemed, he had been transported into adifferent life--into a different world indeed. Who could have dreamtthat those few short days would have made such a difference to him,would have brought him all those miles across the sea, to face dangersand difficulties the extent of which he could scarcely conceive!
"And here I am, a regular conspirator," he said to himself, lookingabout the room, "and bound upon an adventure which, from all I cangather, will afford considerable excitement. But I've thought the matterout carefully, and believe that I am justified in entering upon it, for,who knows but that it may turn out an advantage in the end! If thesegun-runners are in league with the Mullah, it stands to reason that theyknow something of his movements, and as white prisoners are seldom ornever taken, the fact that the survivor of the wreck fell into his handswill have reached their ears. Perhaps, too, they are even aware offather's exact whereabouts, and if only Tom can worm the secret out ofthem, we shall be saved enormous trouble, and very likely a largeproportion of risk; for, in that case, we should march into the interioras rapidly as possible, choosing night for our movements, and hiding upamongst the sand-dunes and hills during the day. Then, when we gotwithin striking distance, we should mount our trotting camels, and makea dash for the place. If we were successful, I should abandon thetransport animals and our baggage, so as to enable us to retire to thecoast at all speed.
"But that is hoping for too much," he continued. "This business is goingto be no ordinary affair, and before we are successful we shall becompelled to face no end of difficulties. But all the better, if in theend we are able to carry out our purpose."
For quite five minutes Jim sat there silently, lost in thought, whileTom lay upon the bed, still staring at the dingy ceiling, as if, indeed,he could see there a plan which would be likely to prove of service whenendeavouring to capture the dhow.
"I can see my way quite easily," he said aloud, as if addressing himselfto no one in particular. "At first, of course, I shall have to find outwhere the dhow lies, but an hour or two spent in the bazaar will soonset the matter at rest. That done, we shall have to obtain a passageaboard her, but there again I fancy things will be easily arranged. I'llget into casual conversation with some fellow who seems to know thedestination of the craft, and I'll drop, as if by accident, a few wordswhich will let him know that I am a friend of the Mullah. These nativesare well aware of the risk they incur in these gun-running expeditions,and I've no doubt that hands are difficult to obtain. If that is thecase, they will jump at our services, and we shall soon find ourselvesinstalled upon the dhow. After that the outlook is uncertain."
"Bound to be!" exclaimed Jim, emphatically. "That's just where the riskcomes in. But it would be a fine thing to hold them up, and to capturethe vessel and its contents."
"By George, it would! You're right, Jim, and we will do it," cried Tomenthusiastically, swinging himself into a sitting position. "Look here,I've been going over all the points, and I've come to the conclusionthat our best plan will be to do as I have just said. Just you lie downthere and have a snooze, while I get into the proper togs and go out tothe bazaar. Then we shall be able to start for the dhow to-morrowmorning, without delay."
"I'd like to come, too, if it could be arranged," said Jim eagerly. "Yousee, I have to get used to the dress of a native, and shall feel farmore sure of myself if my first attempt is made while it is dark."
"Then come along. Just hop out of your things as quickly as you can,while I do the same. Then we'll apply the stain to our bodies, and dressourselves in the robes usually worn by natives from the interior ofSomaliland."
Both at once proceeded to undress, and that done, Tom dived to thebottom of the chest, and produced a carefully stoppered jar, and a bigbrush, composed of the silkiest hair. With this he at once proceeded topaint Jim from head to foot, and when that operation was concluded, thelatter took the brush and did the same for his companion. Another diveinto the chest produced an earthen pot. This contained a dark, oilyliquid, which was freely applied to the hair and eyebrows.
"Hum! Doesn't smell over-pleasant," remarked Jim, with a grimace. "Ithas a most peculiarly pungent odour."
"Oh, you'll get used to it in time," was the laughing rejoinder. "But Ican assure you that it is very necessary, and quite typical of theSomali people. There are your sandals. Slip your toes into the tags, andwalk across the floor. No, not that way, but like this, shufflingalong."
Slipping a pair on to his own feet, Tom strode swiftly up and down theroom, imitating a native, and would not be satisfied until Jim was ableto do precisely the same.
"Now watch me put on this head-gear," he said, taking a long fold ofsnowy linen, and beginning to wrap it about his temples. He thenproduced a light belt of webbing, to which two holsters were made fast,and proceeded to buckle it about his waist, tossing a second to Jim forhis own use. A minute or two later he had wound a long cloak of linenabout his body, contriving, however, to leave one arm and half hisbreast bare, while his legs were visible from the knee downwards. Thenrevolvers were placed in the holsters, a small pouch filled withammunition, and a long and spiteful dagger thrust through the belt, andarranged so that the handle just peeped out through the clothing. Asecond and shorter weapon was attached to the inside of the left arm,and thus equipped, Tom placed himself before a wide strip oflooking-glass which was nailed against the wall, and having put thecandle in position, so that its light fell full upon him, began tosurvey himself critically.
It was evident that he was satisfied, for he smiled at his own image,displaying a set of teeth which looked particularly white, now that hisfeatures were stained.
"And now for you," he said. "I want you to dress yourself from head tofoot just as I have done, for, remember, you may have to do so beforethe natives, and if you bungled, then you would certainly bediscovered."
Twenty minutes later the candle was extinguished, and the two crept upthe creaking staircase and went out. Then, with long, shuffling strides,which carried them quickly over the ground, they made their way towardsthe native bazaar.
"Remember your role," whispered Tom, as they approached the line ofsqualid huts and booths which formed the native market. "Not a sound isto escape your lips. If you are addressed, make no answer, but turn awayangrily, waving your arm. Should the man persist, turn upon him, butbeware that you do not touch your weapons, for to do so would be fatal.Of course, if you are discovered, you must make a fight of it; butwe'll hope that it is not coming to that."
Walking side by side, the two were soon in the midst of the bazaar, andJim was interested to see how these Eastern people behaved. Lightstwinkled in the various booths, and dusky natives were gathered in knotshere and there. Some sat silently, but the majority were conversing inthe most excited and voluble manner. Indeed, they might very well havebeen engaged in a squabble, so exaggerated were their movements.Suddenly, on turning a corner, the two adventurers came upon a circle ofmen squatting about a brazier, and singing a weird song to theaccompaniment of a tom-tom. As they came into the firelight, one of thenatives caught sight of them, and called loudly to them.
"Come hither and join us, brothers," he shouted. "Here we shall makeroom for you."
He shuffled to one side, those who were close at hand doing the same,until a sufficiently wide gap was left in the circle.
"Come on," whispered Tom; and straightway, shouting his pleasure, hewent towards the place, Jim following closely upon his heels. Tohesitate would have been to arouse instant suspicion, and therefore,watching closely to see how his comrade acted, our hero joined thecircle and squatted in native fashion. It was a trying ordeal for a ladwho had but recently left school, and though he fought against thefeeling of excitement, almost of fear, which assailed him, he wasnevertheless well aware that his heart was beating like a sledge-hammeragainst his ribs, and that his pulses were throbbing almost painfully.But he was not the lad to show the white feather, and remembering hisdetermination to go through with the adventure, he sat stolidly, staringinto the glowing brazier.
"A song, brother! Allah has willed it that you should join us thisnight, and we would hear your voice," shouted one of the group,stretching out a lanky arm and touching Jim upon the knee.
There was no answer, and, to the astonishment of all the nativesgathered there, the stranger who had been bidden to join them as a gueststill kept his eyes fixed upon the brazier. That he had heard they werecertain, for an involuntary turn of the head had betrayed that fact. Atonce shouts of anger arose, and the man who had spoken sprang to hisfeet.