In the grip of the Mullah: A tale of adventure in Somaliland Read online

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  Jim Hubbard was a young gentleman of decidedly prepossessing appearance.Broad of shoulder, and particularly well set up for a lad of a littlemore than seventeen summers, he looked for all that far too young tohave such troubles thrown upon his shoulders, to be called thus early inhis life to face a difficulty which might well prove too great for a manof mature years and experience. But just as the colonel was endowed withthe pluck and perseverance which had enabled him to live through thatwild night in the Gulf of Aden, so also was his son gifted with a spiritand tenacity that helped him now to make up his mind to face any dangerand difficulty in accomplishing the task he had set himself.

  "It is clearly my duty," he said, as he trudged along from the Londonterminus of the railway to his uncle's residence in Kensington, "to seethis matter through to the end. I have spent hours and hours in thinkingabout it, and have always come to the same conclusion. Until this doubtis absolutely settled, I can never rest, and never be sure that myfather is not living. I will show him and all those who are interestedin him that I am no fair-weather friend, and that I am prepared to stickto him and to his cause until further search is useless. I cannotimagine anyone placed in similar circumstances coming to any otherdetermination, and if I were to hesitate now and allow imaginary dangersto frighten me, I should be a coward at heart, and unfit to bear myfather's name. I'll put the facts before Uncle George, and I'm sure hewill do his utmost to help me. Ah, there is his house opposite."

  Crossing the street, James mounted the steps of a handsome dwelling, andpulled the bell vigorously. A moment later the door was thrown open by afootman, who had scarcely taken possession of his bag and ushered himinto the hall before a short, stout old gentleman, with grey whiskersand hair and a florid countenance, bustled forward to greet him. Mr.George Hubbard was, in fact, some ten years the colonel's senior, andwas of decidedly comfortable appearance. Indeed, whereas his youngerbrother had led an active life, going hither and thither to all parts ofthe world, wherever the duties of a soldier called him, George couldscarcely boast that he had ever left the shores of old England.

  "I'm a regular stay-at-home, and never feel better, nor more contented,than when I am engaged in my business in London," he had often said,with no small amount of satisfaction and pride. "I confess that asoldier's life never had any attraction for me, though, like allcivilians, I can and do admire the man who goes out to face death at thecall of his country."

  As he advanced towards Jim with outstretched hand, his fat,good-humoured face showed the concern he felt for his young nephew.

  "My dear, dear boy, welcome!" he exclaimed. "I don't know what to say toyou, or how to help you in this distressing affair. Both your aunt and Ihave done nothing but talk the matter over, and have, indeed, spentsleepless nights in endeavouring to come to some conclusion, but withoutsuccess. It is the most cruel, the most unhappy misfortune that I haveever experienced. But come upstairs. Your aunt would never forgive me ifI kept her waiting."

  Wiping the moisture from his forehead, and coughing as though the effortof speaking had been almost too much for him, George Hubbard turned andled the way upstairs. Jim followed him closely, and a minute later wasin his aunt's presence. Then sitting down, the three discussed thematter fully, Jim telling his relatives to what decision he had come.

  "You know the facts as well as I do, uncle," he said, "and I am going toask you to do all you can to help me, and not to try and thwart me. Iknow how hopeless my mission must seem to you, and that many would thinkI was undertaking a wild-goose chase. But, as I told the head master atschool, I feel sure that the man cast up upon the African coast was myfather, and if that is the case, he surely needs my help. I have beenthinking the matter over as I came up in the train, and bought a mapspecially to help me. By it I see that my best course will be to take asteamer direct to Aden, and from there I shall be able to get a traderto Berbera. Meanwhile, I shall telegraph to the News Agency whichsupplied the information sent me this morning, and will endeavour toarrange that the man who saw this survivor of the wreck land upon thecoast, and afterwards fall into the hands of the Mullah's Somaliwarriors, shall be in waiting to receive me. Then, with him as guide, Ishall make my way to the actual point where the incident happened, andfrom there we shall turn our faces inland. It may happen that I shall beable to join some shooting expedition, for one reads occasionally in thepapers that English gentlemen take caravans into that part of Africa forthe purpose of big game shooting. If not, I shall endeavour to hire afew followers, and take up the search alone. I know it sounds a bigthing to attempt, uncle; but wouldn't you do the same in a similarcase?"

  George Hubbard gasped. He was a man of peace, and though well read andthoroughly sensible, he had, nevertheless, an exaggerated idea of thewildness and dangers to be met with in Africa. Nor could he be blamedfor that, for weeks past the papers had been filled with accounts ofSomaliland, and of the doings of the Mullah. And now to sit there in acomfortable armchair before his open hearth, and hear his young nephewcalmly propose to sail for Africa, and make his way into the very heartof the Somali country, was quite enough to make a man of his dispositiondo more than gasp. He sat forward in his chair staring at Jim with ahorrified expression on his face, and with eyes which threatened to fallout of his head.

  "Go to Africa! March into the interior, and probably meet the Mullahface to face!" he exclaimed, mopping his forehead with his handkerchief."Good gracious, you will be killed, you will lose your life to acertainty!"

  "I may, uncle," responded Jim, calmly. "On the other hand, there is apossibility of my succeeding, for many men have made their way intoSomaliland and returned to tell the tale. Think of the joy it would beto rescue father."

  "But it is madness, Jim! Because one single white man out of some two orthree hundred who left England on that unlucky ship contrived to reachthe shore alive, you fly to the conclusion that it must have been mypoor brother. It is utter folly to argue in this way, though I cannothelp but admire the brave thought which prompts you. Still, I am amatter-of-fact man, and I say, without hesitation, that the dangers aretoo great, and the end too uncertain, to justify your taking the risks.However, no efforts and no money shall be spared to obtain furtherinformation, and should it turn out, as I trust and hope it may, thatthis survivor is indeed my brother, then you shall go. Indeed, sodeeply do I feel his loss, that I am tempted to say that I, too, wouldjoin you in the search. But that would be foolish, considering what Iam, and how utterly unfitted for such exertions."

  He rose from his seat, and turning, stood facing Jim, with a comicallook of despair upon his features. For some minutes there was silence,and then, just as he was about to begin a long and telling argument,with the object of dissuading Jim from an attempt which, to his uncle,appeared worse than madness, a knock sounded on the door, and a footmanentered.

  "A telegram, sir," he said.

  With an agile spring, which was wonderful considering his unwieldyproportions, George Hubbard left his position by the fire, and dartedacross the room. Taking the telegram from the footman, he tore it open,and then began to read it aloud, while Jim and his aunt jumped to theirfeet and looked over his shoulder.

  "From the News Agency!" he cried excitedly. "I gave them instructions tospare no expense in obtaining information, and here is the result."

  "Read it!" exclaimed Jim and his aunt, impatiently. "What does it say?"

  "Listen!" answered Mr. Hubbard, holding the paper so that the lightshould fall upon it. "'In accordance with your instructions, we havequestioned native who gave information. He states that surviving whiteman was tall, with dark hair, getting grey at temples, grey moustache,and muscular body. Not quite certain, owing to distance, but thinks hecaught a glimpse of a bangle about his wrist. If not that, it was apiece of cloth tied there, perhaps to cover a wound.'"

  "That is father!" shouted Jim, unable to restrain his excitement. "I amcertain it is he, for the description tallies exactly with hisapp
earance, and, moreover, he was in the habit of wearing a watchbracelet upon his wrist."

  "Tall, dark hair getting grey, and grey moustache," repeated Mr.Hubbard, as if to assure himself that he had read the telegram aright."There can be no doubt that this is my brother. I quite agree with you,Jim, for, though it is possible, and even very probable, that many menaboard the ship would have answered to that description, the fact thatthe survivor wore a dark bracelet upon his wrist is, in my opinion, anabsolute confirmation. I am glad, my boy--more than glad. Indeed, Icannot tell you how much this good news rejoices my heart."

  Turning to his nephew, he grasped his hand and shook it till the lad'sfingers ached, patting him meanwhile upon the shoulder with his otherhand.

  "Yes, delighted; pleased beyond measure," he continued earnestly. "Nowyou may rely upon the fact that your uncle is wholly on your side."

  As for Mrs. Hubbard, she had a tender heart, and gently pushing herhusband aside, threw herself into Jim's arms with tears of joy in hereyes.

  "You deserve the good news, my dear boy," she said, kissing himaffectionately. "It went to my heart to see your silent grief, and howbravely you had determined to clear up this uncertainty. It was horribleto feel that your father might be dead, and still more trying to hearthat there was just a possibility that he was still alive, a captive inthe hands of this man they call the Mullah. The uncertainty was morethan I could bear, and I feel sure that, had I been a man, I should havefollowed the same course, and gone to Africa, so as to set the matterfor ever at rest."

  "And now let us discuss the question," interposed Mr. Hubbard, pacingrestlessly up and down the room. "There must be no delay in setting outto rescue my brother, and as we in England can do little, seeing that weare so far from Somaliland, I advise that you at once take ship forAden. It happens that my firm have business relations with a man livingthere. He exports camels to that part of Africa ruled over by theItalians, and gathers in his warehouses every description of merchandisewhich comes from the interior of the country. If anyone can help you heis the man. Now, let me see, a ship will leave the London Docks for theMediterranean and Egypt to-morrow evening; we will telephone at once toobtain a berth for you. That done, we will set about getting you a kit,for it is absolutely necessary that you should go well provided, and inthat respect the utmost attention must be paid to weapons. That remindsme, a gentleman of my acquaintance who has visited Africa for purposesof sport happens to live close at hand. We will go in and see him atonce, for it is more than likely that he will be able to give usvaluable advice."

  It was wonderful to see the energy displayed by Mr. Hubbard. Now thatthere was no doubt that it was his brother who had survived the wreck,he was like a schoolboy in his eagerness to set about his rescue, andtook the matter up in a manner which showed that he was determined to doas much for the cause in his own way as was his nephew. Hastening fromthe room, he and Jim quickly donned their coats and hats, and hurried tothe nearest telephone station. As it was late in the evening, theinstrument was disengaged, and within five minutes a passage was bookedupon a steamer that was to leave England the following evening. Jim andhis uncle now hailed a cab, and were quickly transported to theresidence of the gentleman of whom the latter had spoken.

  "Glad to be of service, I'm sure," he said, when Mr. Hubbard hadexplained the reason of his coming. "Indeed, had it been possible, Ishould willingly have undertaken to accompany your nephew, in which casemy experience of life in Northern Africa would have been of some help tohim. Aden is certainly his first point of call, and as you already havean agent there, the difficulty of obtaining a passage over to Berbera,and of getting together the necessary followers and camels for transportpurposes, will be easily overcome. I strongly advise him to engage a'shikari,' or head hunting-man, to accompany him and take charge of thenatives; and if he applies at the British Consul's at Berbera, it ispossible that he will be able to obtain the services of a man called AliKumar, a civilized Somali warrior, who accompanied me on an expeditiontwo years ago, and who proved invaluable. Now as to kit. A couple ofsuits of rough cloth, with leather gaiters and good marching boots, willbe the best. A felt hat would be worse than useless as a head-coveringout there, for in the hot season the sun pours down with a fiercenessthat cannot be imagined, and can only be fully understood when actuallyexperienced. Three or four water-tanks, so constructed as to be capableof being easily slung upon camels, should be procured, for thisgentleman known as the 'Mad' Mullah has his happy hunting-grounds sometwo hundred miles inland, and to reach him it is necessary first tocross a range of hills, and then to face the Hoad, or waterless desert,which stretches for quite a hundred and fifty miles without a break.That is always a most trying ordeal, but you will have to face it, for,until the Hoad is passed, there will be no prospect of obtaining morethan the most meagre news of your father."

  "That will, indeed, be a terrible difficulty," interposed Mr. Hubbard."One often hears of whole caravans lost in the attempt to cross thesewaterless tracts, and I suppose, in the case of this one which you callthe Hoad, such a fatality is not unknown."

  "I will not say that accidents have not happened," was the answer, inreassuring tones; "but so well is this desert known, and so accustomedare the natives to crossing it, that they think lightly of its dangers.But your raising the question reminds me to speak of animals. A goodsupply of transport camels will be required, and, in addition, a dozenor more of the trotting variety will be absolutely necessary. Then,supposing our young friend happens to obtain some piece of importantnews, he will be able to leave his caravan, and make a dash to any givenpoint. Horses, too, he must have, and he will find no difficulty ingetting as many as he requires. A small case of drugs is another itemthat should prove of use, and I strongly advise him to take some rollsof strong barbed wire. The additional weight that will have to becarried will be fully compensated for by the feeling of security thatthe wire will give."

  "But how? I do not follow your point," said Mr. Hubbard dubiously. "I donot see how this wire will help my nephew."

  "Then I will explain. He will march in the early morning, and if the sunis not too hot, will continue to do so for the greater part of the day.Sometimes he will cover only a few miles, and will then halt, for hispowers of getting about the country will depend greatly upon thecondition of his transport animals. Again, he will occasionally have tomake forced marches, for the water-holes are often separated by longdistances, which it is absolutely necessary to cover.

  "But to come to the barbed wire. When he halts at night, he will form azareba, sending out his followers to cut thorn-bushes with which tobuild a hedge. A few posts driven into the ground at intervals along theoutside of the zareba, with wire stretched between them, willeffectually stop a rush of the enemy, and will give timely warning incase of attack. In South Africa miles and miles were used between theblockhouses, and proved of great service."

  "I see your point," exclaimed Jim, who had followed his words closely,"and I should imagine that if the posts and wires were hidden amongstthe thorns, the surprise and alarm of the enemy would be even greater.Numbers might easily become entangled, and then we should be able toteach them a lesson with our rifles."

  "Quite so. I fully agree with you," was the answer. "And, speaking ofweapons, reminds me that I have not yet dealt with that subject."

  For a few moments the speaker buried his face in his hands, and satthere thoughtfully.

  "There is no doubt," he suddenly continued, "that this is a mostimportant matter. I take it that you are not bent upon big gameshooting, and that if you come upon lions or elephants you will leavethem severely alone. For your purpose the Lee-Enfield rifle will be thebest, and should it turn out, as it very well may, that you are attackedby the beasts I have mentioned, then you must trust to slay them bymeans of a volley, for it is hopeless to expect that a single one ofthese small-calibre bullets will prove fatal. If it were to strike avital spot it certainly would, but that is a piece of luck which youmust not count upon, for, rememb
er, you cannot afford to takeunnecessary risks. So you should equip your party with the rifles I havementioned, and, in addition, a hunting knife and a brace of goodrevolvers would be useful possessions for yourself. A pair offield-glasses and a tin water-bottle should complete your equipment. Ineed hardly mention the advisability of carrying an abundant supply ofammunition.

  "And now, my lad, it only remains for me to wish you the best of luck. Iadmire your pluck immensely, but I shall give you a few last words ofadvice. Be always cautious, never omit to post sentries at night andvisit them yourself, and, above all, be ever on the look-out fortreachery. The Somali natives have the reputation of being cunningrogues. Plunder seems to be their sole object in life, and camels have apeculiar attraction for them. They would think nothing of killing you,if by doing so they could obtain possession of your transport animals."

  Thanking him heartily for his kindness, and exchanging a cordial shakeof the hand, Jim and his uncle left their friend, and returned home atonce.

  "We shall have to be busy to-morrow," said Mr. Hubbard, as they tooktheir seats once more in front of the fire. "In the first place, we mustget your clothing and revolvers, with a few strong trunks in which tocarry them. The rifles and any other items we may happen to think of canbe purchased during the week, and I shall see that they follow you outto Aden. You will want to have means of drawing money, and for thatpurpose I shall write full instructions to our agent. His name, by theway, is Andrews, and you will find him an extremely obliging gentleman.I shall tell him to supply you with anything you may ask for, and I maysay now that, though I do not desire that you should be extravagant, noexpense that may help to the recovery of my dear brother shall bespared. And now to bed, my dear Jim, for to-morrow you have much to do."

  Early on the following morning Mr. Hubbard's house in Kensington wasastir. There was an air of subdued excitement about the servants, who insome mysterious way had contrived to hear full details of all that wasoccurring. Mrs. Hubbard took her place at the breakfast-table, assumingas cheerful a look as she could, though her heart was full of misgivingsfor the safety of her nephew. But she was wise enough to know that heneeded encouragement and help, and therefore determined that he shouldnot guess what her thoughts were. As for Jim, he appeared with smilingcountenance, for now that he felt sure that his father had reallyescaped the wreck, he was quite light-hearted, and though fully aware ofthe difficulties and dangers before him, was prepared to face themwithout hesitation.

  "I know it's going to be a job," he had said to himself, as he lay awakeduring the night, "and I must be prepared to spend months, and even ayear, in accomplishing it. But it has to be done, and if only I make upmy mind from the beginning that nothing shall beat me, then my chancesof success will be good."

  Breakfast over, he said good-bye to his aunt, and then, entering a cabwith his uncle, drove off to a firm in the city, from whom he was ableto obtain a complete outfit of clothing. Trunks were bought at the sameplace, and directions given to have them packed at once.

  "We'll call for them in an hour," said Mr. Hubbard, "and I shall beobliged if you will arrange to have everything ready for us, so thatthere shall be no delay."

  Entering their cab again, they drove to a gunsmith's, where a couple ofbig Webley revolvers were purchased, together with a strong huntingknife contained in a sheath, which was so arranged as to be slung in abelt. A small case of drugs in tabloid form was obtained at anotherestablishment, and then, armed with their purchases, James and his unclereturned for the clothing.

  Within five minutes the luggage was on the cab, and they were on theirway to Fenchurch-street Station. An hour later James was safelyinstalled in his cabin, and shortly afterwards took leave of his uncle.

  "You may rely upon my sending the other things promptly," said Mr.Hubbard, as he moved towards the gang-way. "They should reach you withina week of your arrival in Aden, and so that there shall be no difficultyabout importing the arms, or about transhipping them to Africa, you hadbetter go to the Governor at Aden, and tell him all the facts. I willvisit the Foreign Office in London, and I am sure that every effort willbe made to help you. Good-bye, and may you be successful."

  That afternoon the steamer put out into the river, and by night was wellat sea. Running down Channel, she made a good passage to Ushant, and wassoon in the Bay of Biscay, which, to the delight of all the passengers,was comparatively smooth.

  Jim was enchanted with this new experience, and before very long beganto feel quite at home. Indeed, so quickly are friendships made upon anocean-going steamer, that within a day or two he felt as though he hadknown all the passengers for quite a lengthy period.

  After coasting along the Portuguese shore, the ship steered to the east,and entered the Mediterranean. Gibraltar was sighted, and signalsexchanged, so as to let the folks at home know that a safe passage hadthus far been made.

  A week later they were in the canal, and in due time reached Aden. HereJim's baggage was put ashore, and he himself followed, feeling somewhatforlorn amongst so many strangers.

  "Mr. Hubbard, I think?" said a cheery voice at his elbow, causing him toturn round with a start, to find that a short, bearded man, with apleasant face, was addressing him. He was clad in white from head tofoot, and wore an enormous "topee," or pith helmet, upon his head. "I ammaking no mistake, I think?" he continued. "I am Mr. Andrews."

  In a moment they were shaking hands, and then Jim's new friend calledloudly to some Indian porters, and gave them instructions concerning thebaggage.

  "Everything here is done by natives from India," he said, noticing alook of inquiry on Jim's face. "In fact, Aden is, officially, part ofour Eastern possessions, and boasts of no other coin than the rupee. ButI will tell you all about that later. We'll drive to my place now. Hi!gharri!"

  At his shout an open carriage, drawn by two "tats," as the small nativeponies are known, dashed up to them, and when they were seated drove offalong the main street of Aden at a pace which in London would have beenconsidered furious. Leaving the town, they took another road which ledto the right, into a part occupied by many bungalows, and at one ofthese they finally alighted.

  "Aden itself is a horrible place," said Mr. Andrews, apologetically,waving his hand towards the town. "It is, as you see, little more than awide volcanic plain, with nothing in the way of vegetation to relieveits barrenness. Out here, however, we have contrived to arrange a littleoasis, in which we Europeans live. But come in, Mr. Hubbard, and I'llshow you the room you are to occupy while staying with me. Then we'llhave tiffin (luncheon), and afterwards we'll sit on the verandah andtalk this matter over. I believe I've excellent news for you, which youshall hear in good time."

  "About father? Does it concern him?" asked Jim, eagerly, pricking up hisears at the mention of news, for he had been without any for more than aweek. "Perhaps he has been rescued? But that is expecting too much."

  "No, it's not that," was the answer, in reassuring tones; "but it'sremarkably good news, I can tell you, for I have ascertained that acertain gentleman is bound upon a similar expedition, or rather, isabout to go into the Mullah's country for the purpose of obtainingintelligence of his movements. Hearing that you also contemplatedpenetrating into the interior, he asks leave to accompany you, and Ihave no doubt you will be delighted to take him."

  "I shall, indeed," answered Jim, eagerly. "I was quite prepared toundertake the journey alone, but a companion will make all thedifference, and I willingly agree to his joining my expedition."

  "Then, that's settled; and now for tiffin."

  Leading the way through a wide compound, laid out like an Englishgarden, Mr. Andrews mounted the steps of a shady verandah, and enteringa doorway in front of which hung a curtain of reeds, ushered hiscompanion into a delightfully cool inner room, in which, on a tableplaced in the centre, was spread a snowy white cloth, littered withsparkling glass and silver. Silent-footed natives salaamed and preparedto wait upon them, and at once the two sat down and began their meal.