With the Dyaks of Borneo: A Tale of the Head Hunters Page 6
A Traitor and a Villain
"I begin to think that there is some reason in your fears, and that,after all, your good sense and powers of observation are about to saveus from a very ugly encounter," said Mr. Beverley slowly, turning toTyler after some minutes' thought. "I am a man who dislikes to doanyone an injustice, and it is on that account, and because I triedto persuade myself that I had no right to take a dislike to the man,that I determined to think well of our interpreter. But I fear thatHanns Schlott is a rogue, if not worse, and that he is a party in aconspiracy. However, we are not taken yet, and shall give much troublebefore any harm comes to us. What do you advise?"
"That we arm at once," said Tyler promptly, "and show these fellows thatwe are prepared. Say nothing to Hanns, but watch him carefully, and atthe first sign of treachery make him a prisoner. Above all, refuse toallow the native boat to come within more than hailing distance."
"Yes, the plan seems a good one, and we will set about it immediately,"cried Mr. Beverley, springing to his feet. "As for this Hanns Schlott,he seems to be a rogue, and as a rogue I will treat him if he showsany inclination to be mischievous. As you suggest, I will make him aprisoner if he gives me the opportunity, and then I shall take stepsto hand him over to the Dutch Government. There are numbers of hiscountrymen in the neighbouring island, for the Dutch have had manystations in the Archipelago for numbers of years, and by slipping roundto Celebes, or across to Java, we should have no difficulty aboutplacing him in the custody of one of the residents appointed by hiscountry. But I am sure that at the present moment our best plan will beto keep on terms of friendship with him, to make believe that we trusthim, while secretly we keep watch to avoid treachery. Now how are we toset about it?"
"Let us call John Marshall and take him into our confidence," said Tylerpromptly. "He is a thoroughly good fellow, and has our interests atheart. Shall I send for him now?"
A few minutes' consideration told Mr. Beverley that it would be as wellto warn the young English sailor who accompanied them, for should therebe any trouble with the crew, these three Europeans would naturallyfight side by side. As for Hanns Schlott, it was useless to think of himas a friend, for the more his conduct was considered the more certaindid it become that he was engaged in some dark conspiracy.
"We have to recollect that as a prize we should prove valuable,"remarked Mr. Beverley suddenly. "You see, Tyler, the Government and thefirm of rubber merchants for whom I am making this expedition have givenme a liberal sum with which to pay my way; and indeed they are wise indoing so, for money expended now in a journey such as ours is likelyto be, and presents made to Dyak chiefs, are likely to bear very goodinterest in the future. There are sufficient dollars aboard to makea handsome fortune, and in addition our equipment is of considerablevalue. Indeed, there is no denying the fact that to one of these nativeprahus we should be a rich haul, and it is mainly with such a prospectin view that I determined to thoroughly arm the schooner. Who can sayhow much Hanns Schlott and his accomplices know? If there is actuallya conspiracy they must have considered it worth their while to followus, for otherwise why should they take all the trouble? But there is nouse in wondering. The question now is, how are we to protect ourselves?Forewarned is forearmed, and now that our suspicions have been aroused,let it not be said that we have proved rash and careless. Just sing outfor John, and tell him to come down at once."
Going to the narrow companion, which led to the deck above, Tylerascended slowly, and having reached the upper level, looked carefullyround. There was John standing close beside the tiller, which wasmanned by one of the Malays, while a few of the crew sat and loungednear at hand. Of Hanns Schlott there was not a sign, but a moment latersomething red fluttering in the breeze beyond the mainsail of theschooner attracted his attention, and, taking a step to one side, he sawthe Dutch interpreter standing with his back against the mast, with hishandkerchief held at arm's length above his head. A second later thearm dropped, and the square of red disappeared into one of his pockets.Then, as Tyler darted back to the companion and descended a few steps,the slouching Hanns Schlott turned and came walking along the deck. Afew paces carried him beyond the sail, and instantly his eye fell uponTyler, who made pretence to be just emerging from the cabin.
"Had he been seen? Had this young Englishman, whom from the very firsthe had detested, been spying upon him?" Hanns Schlott flushed red at thethought as he asked himself the questions, and then turned to addressour hero.
"The land in sight is Borneo," he said. "Ja, I know it, for I have beenthere before. We have a pleasant trip before us, meinheer."
"Perhaps you have friends there," responded Tyler quietly, directing akeen glance at the Dutchman, which caused the latter's eyes to drop,while his face again flushed.
"Does he know more than he should, this young idiot?" he murmuredbeneath his breath. "Does he suspect the prahu lying under the land?Pooh! It is impossible, for like all of his country he is dull, andthinks it honourable to trust all with whom he comes in contact. But Imust be cautious, and should he show an inclination to thwart me I willsilence his tongue for good. Ja, Hanns Schlott, you are clever, andmore than once have you paid a visit to Singapore on the same errand,with Christian van Sonerell to help you. A few months back you contrivedto capture a merchantman, and on this occasion you will not be baulkedby any of these fools. The youngster means only to be pleasant when hesuggests that I have friends at hand, and it is absurd to think that hesuspects me."
Banishing all fears of discovery from his mind in this sweeping manner,the Dutchman waited only to assure Tyler that he was unknown to any inBorneo, and then went sauntering along the deck. As for the latter,he remained on the companion ladder for some moments watching theinterpreter.
"He is a rogue, I am sure," he said to himself, "and the fact that Ihave caught him in the act of signalling to the prahu convinces methat I am right. He started when I suggested that he had companionson the island, and for the moment I could see that he feared that Ihad witnessed his act. Otherwise why did he address me? For he is asilent man, and during the week or more that I have known him has neverventured to say a word unless directly asked a question. Now, if I callJohn Marshall down into the cabin without a sufficient excuse, HannsSchlott will begin to think that matters are not going smoothly for him.Ah, I know!"
Springing up the remaining steps of the ladder, he emerged upon thedeck and walked towards the young sailor, pausing as he did so to gazeat the distant land, to which the schooner had drawn distinctly nearer,and under the shadow of which the native prahu which had aroused hissuspicions still lay. Then he went to the tiller and addressed JohnMarshall.
"We wish to make arrangements for the landing-party," he said so thatall on board could hear. "Mr. Beverley requests that you will come downinto the cabin and help him in selecting the men."
Turning upon his heel he at once retraced his steps and was soon joinedby the young sailor in the cabin.
"Close the door, please," said Mr. Beverley as the latter entered. "Nowsit down there, John, and tell me candidly what you think of our crew?"
Thus bidden, the boatswain dropped on to a wooden form and sat thereuncomfortably twirling his cap between his fingers for some minutes, asthough unable to do what he was asked. Then he suddenly raised his head,and, looking first at his interrogator and then at Tyler, blurted outhis news.
"They ain't right, and that's the whole matter with 'em," he saidshortly. "Away in Singapore they were just easy to handle, and workedalmost as hard as a British crew. But the feeding's too good for 'em byhalf, and they're getting above themselves. It's the truth, sir, and Itell you that they are altogether out of hand. As for the Dutch coveaboard, well--"
John Marshall shrugged his shoulders disdainfully, and lifted his handsas much as to say that the matter was beyond expression. Then he sankback on the form and looked at Mr. Beverley as if awaiting anotherquestion.
"What about Hanns Schlott then?" demanded the latter.
"Do you thinkthat he is in league with rogues who have followed us to Borneo? Myyoung friend, Mr. Richardson, declares that the prahu lying under theisland is one which was moored in the harbour at Singapore close to thisschooner, and that her condition and the appearance of her commander ledto the suspicion that she was not altogether a peaceful trader."
"Then he ain't far out," cried the boatswain, suddenly leaping to hisfeet and coming forward to lean with both hands upon the cabin table."I don't know as how I've seen anything particular, but there's piratesin these seas, for I learnt that when in Singapore, while the Dutchmanaboard is a wrong 'un. It wouldn't surprise me to hear that he had fixedit up to murder the whole lot of us, and if I had my way I'd pitch himashore at the very first landing-place."
He gave vent to a snort of indignation, and changed his cap from onehand to the other, while he kept his eyes closely fixed upon Mr.Beverley.
"Then you will be all the more ready to follow the plan which we havedecided upon," exclaimed the latter; "but secrecy is a thing whichwe must carefully observe. Remember this, that our suspicions may beunfounded, and that the prahu over there and our interpreter may beas innocent of treachery as we are. As for the crew, it grieves me tohear that they are not to be relied upon, and now that I have heard itI realize that should trouble come we three must depend upon ourselvesalone. From this moment we must carry weapons upon us, and as soon as itis dark we must take it in turn to keep watch. Then, too, at the veryfirst opportunity we will load our six-pounders, cramming them withgrape-shot, and replacing the tarpaulin covers over the touch-holes oncewe have laid the fuse. If there is trouble we will rush to one end ofthe boat and defend ourselves there."
"Then only one of the six-pounders must be prepared," cried Tyler withemphasis, "for otherwise, while we were posted in the bows, those in thestern would lay the gun there upon us and blow us into pieces."
"Ah! I had forgotten that, my lad, and I thank you for giving thewarning," said Mr. Beverley. "Who knows, it may be the saving of ourlives! And now as to the watch to be set. We will divide the night intothree parts, and will settle upon a signal which will awaken those whoare off duty and bring them on deck."
"Then let it be a pistol-shot, if I may make so bold as to give a bit ofadvice," burst in John. "Yer see, sir, the crack of a little weapon likethat is loud enough to reach to any part of the schooner, unless a galeis blowing, and it's so sudden-like and unexpected that it fetches yerupon yer pins before yer know what's happening. Besides, a pistol's ahandy weapon to carry in one's pocket."
"And as it is the only one with which we shall be armed, we will adoptyour suggestion," said Mr. Beverley. "Then, all understand that thefiring of a shot means trouble, and that all three of us instantly makefor the stern of the vessel, there to fight whoever may come along. Andnow I propose to go on deck and take a closer look at the land. Thenwe will turn to the north-west and coast along in that direction untilevening falls, when we will haul in and let go our anchor. Once set upfor the night, you, John, will take the first watch, our young friendhere joining you as soon as the Malays are out of the way, and helpingto load the six-pounder in the stern. When that is done he will returnto the cabin, and when you have completed three hours of your watch Ishall come and relieve you, to hand over the duty after a similar periodto Mr. Richardson. Here are weapons for all of us. See that you placethem well out of sight and give no indication of their presence."
Going to a locker which was built beneath one of the cabin seats, helifted the lid and groped in the interior, to withdraw his hand in a fewmoments grasping a bundle wrapped in a piece of old blanket. Placing itupon the table he cut the cord which surrounded it, and gingerly openedhis parcel.
"The latest weapon," he said with a smile; "as you will see, some cleverfellow has invented a revolving drum which will enable us to fire asmany as six shots without reloading. I purchased six, so that each oneof us should have twelve shots in his belt. Here is the ammunition, too,and we will at once commence to divide it."
Ten minutes later, when the three ascended to the deck, it was withcuriously mingled feelings of excitement and anxiety, for who couldtell what was about to happen? That some plot was afoot to capture theschooner and murder the three Englishmen upon it Tyler had no doubt, andthe information which John Marshall had given as to the crew had servedonly to make the danger more real. Standing there beside the sail, withhis eyes fixed upon the native prahu, he realized that he and his twocomrades were helpless, for how could they fight a crew of ten muscularMalays led by Hanns Schlott? And if, in addition, the men on board theprahu came to the assistance of their friends, what chance would therebe of resisting them?
"We should be cut to pieces," he said to himself, "or should be drivenoff the boat. But we shall see. Perhaps, after all, we have no need tobe frightened, and matters will turn out better than we anticipate."
To attempt to console himself with this thought was useless, for do whathe would Tyler could not allay his suspicions. If he turned to the coastof Borneo his eyes invariably fell upon the prahu there, while if hetramped restlessly up and down the deck of the schooner the slouchingfigure of Hanns Schlott came into view, sending his thoughts once moreto the evil-looking companion with whom the latter had consorted. Thenagain, now that his attention had been drawn to the crew of Malays whomanned the schooner, he could not help but notice an air of insolencewhich had been strange to them a week ago. Then they had been almosttoo cringing and polite, while now they glanced at their three Englishofficers as though conscious of the fact that the position was about tochange. But thinking could do no good, and as every precaution had beentaken Tyler and his friends had to content themselves with watching thedistant shore and waiting patiently for the night to come. At length thesun disappeared behind a bank of clouds, while the light perceptiblyfaded. Almost at the same moment a deep bay was noticed in the coastof Borneo, and into this the schooner was promptly headed. Running intill within a mile of the shore she hauled down her sails and let go theanchor just as the short twilight which reigns in the Archipelago gaveplace to darkest night.
"Now is your time to see about the gun," said Mr. Beverley, who hadtaken his station beside Tyler. "The natives have their meals at thishour and will be huddled together in the bows. Our interpreter is seatedat this moment in his cabin, where he will be out of the way. Get thework done quickly, and let me know when all is in readiness."
Tyler at once ran to carry out the orders, for now that the night hadfallen he realized that if trouble were in store for them it would be atsuch a time, when darkness covered the water and hid their surroundings.Going to the bulkhead which closed one end of the cabin, he unlocked thedoor there and entered the tiny magazine with which the schooner wasprovided. Then he emerged again with the necessary ammunition, and erelong was able to assure his leader that all was in readiness. That donehe lay down upon his bunk and attempted to sleep, but without success;for though he closed his eyes tightly his brain still remained activelyat work, while his ears were ever open for that pistol-shot which wasto give the signal agreed upon. Hour after hour dragged wearily by, andit was a relief to him when at last Mr. Beverley touched him upon theshoulder and told him that it was time for him to go on deck and takehis turn in looking after the safety of the vessel.
"There has not been a sound," he whispered, "and nothing has occurredso far to arouse our suspicions. Both John and I have endeavoured todiscover the position of the prahu, but the night is too dark. When weran into the bay she was some distance higher up the coast, and for allwe know may have anchored there. Keep your eyes and ears open, and donot hesitate to give the signal if there should be cause."
Promising to follow the advice given to him, Tyler leapt from his bunkand crept up on deck, to find that the schooner lay without a movementon the water, and that the sky above was lit up by myriads of brightstars. All round, however, was impenetrable gloom, and though he wentto either side of the schooner, and with arms leaning upon the bulwarkspeered into the darkne
ss, nothing caught his eye, while there was nosound save the gentle lisp of the water against the vessel's side toattract his attention.
"What was that?" He stood still beside the companion which led from thecabin and listened eagerly, while his heart beat heavily and thumpedalmost audibly against his ribs. "Ah, there it was again; a splashsomewhere near at hand!"
Darting to the side he slipped his boots from his feet, and then ransilently along the deck till close to the bows, when he suddenly caughtsight of a figure standing before him. In an instant his hand graspedthe butt of one of his revolvers, and, drawing the weapon, he advancedupon the man.
"Who is that?" he demanded in low but commanding tones. "Answer at once."
At the words the figure before him started suddenly and turned swiftlyabout. Then a second voice broke the silence.
"Who but Hanns Schlott, meinheer?" was the answer, in tones which thespeaker endeavoured to render suave. "Who but the interpreter, who,finding sleep impossible on this fine night, has come upon deck to enjoysilence and solitude."
"Then what caused the splash?"
"The splash, meinheer! Ah! I recollect there was a rope coiled herebeside the halyard, and as I leaned against the rail my arm touched it,and it fell into the water. See, here it is; I will pull it on board."
He grasped a thick cable close at hand, and pulled upon it till the endcame over the bulwark and fell upon the deck. Then, yawning loudly,he bade Tyler a curt "good-night!" and disappeared below, leaving thelatter standing upon the deck full of suspicion and with vague fearsof some unknown but impending trouble. Indeed, had he but followedthe crafty Dutchman to his cabin, and watched his behaviour there,the signal which had been agreed upon would have at once awakened thesilence of the night, and brought his two comrades rushing up to supporthim. But his duty was to watch above, and therefore, slipping his bootson to his feet, once more he slowly trudged the length of the vessel,halting every now and again to listen intently for sounds, and stareinto the darkness. Meanwhile Hanns Schlott had disappeared within hiscabin.
"All is well," he was saying to himself, as he knelt beside the tintrunk which contained his possessions. "The young fool was suspicious,that I could see, but my word satisfied him, and he is now tramping thedeck in the full belief that no danger threatens. But Hanns Schlottknows better. Ha, ha! Christian van Sonerell will make nothing of theclimb on to the schooner, though the rope which I had secured over theside would have been of great service to him. In a little while he willbe here, and then I shall be ready."
Searching amongst the contents of his trunk he produced an enormouspistol, which he carefully examined. Then, thrusting a small bag ofmoney into one of his pockets and gently closing the lid of the box, hestole from the cabin, weapon in hand, and went creeping across the floorin the direction of the bunk in which lay Mr. Beverley. Twice he cameto a sudden halt in the course of his murderous journey, and crouchedthere silent and motionless beside the cabin table, for the rustle ofthe sleeper's bed-clothes, and an interruption in the regularity of hisbreathing, told that Mr. Beverley was not so deeply unconscious as thisrascally Dutchman would desire. Indeed, for a minute or more it seemedas though some sense of impending danger, some vague dream of a levelledweapon and the hand of an assassin, had crossed the mind of the sleeper,for he suddenly awoke to a troubled half-consciousness, and, raisinghimself upon an elbow, peered with blinking eyes into the darkness. Didhe hear anything? He lay there so still, breathing so silently, that theDutchman's craven heart leapt into his mouth, while the fingers whichgrasped his weapon trembled as though they would relinquish their grasp.Squeezing his body as far as possible beneath the table he crouchedstill closer to the floor, in the attitude of a tiger about to springupon his victim. And all the while he kept those slit-like eyes fixed inthe direction of the bunk, while his ears listened eagerly for outsidesounds.
"Will those fools never come?" he said with many a curse beneath hisbreath. "If only Christian van Sonerell and his men would arrive atthis moment I would send the bullet crashing into his body. And if thisman should stir again I will press the trigger without a doubt. Ja, Iwill risk it, for to be discovered now would be to ruin our enterpriseand get myself into trouble. Ah! the dolt thinks better of it, and hasplaced his face once more upon the pillow. Then I will remain as I amand give him a few minutes longer to live. By then he will have settledto sleep once more, and will fall the more easily to my weapon. Hist!There is someone moving."
As he spoke, a slight sound from the far end of the alleyway, where JohnMarshall had his quarters, broke upon the villain's ear, and instantlyhe became even more alert, while once more an unsteady arm levelledthe pistol, prepared to turn it upon the sleeper or on anyone else whoshould be so unfortunate as to come into the cabin and disturb himin the midst of his work. "Ah!" Hanns Schlott's head became suddenlyerected, while the face turned involuntarily with a rapid movementtowards the companion ladder. At the same moment the splash of an oarbroke the silence, causing Tyler to suddenly halt in his restless trampupon the deck and then dash towards the side. There it was again,followed in succession by others, proving that a boat was approaching,while scarcely had the fact dawned upon his senses than a dim object,rapidly becoming more visible through the darkness, suddenly came intoview. Whipping a weapon from beneath his coat, he levelled it in thedirection of the object and gave vent to a shout.
"Stop there!" he cried in piercing tones. "If you pull a stroke nearer Iwill fire into you. Halt, I say!"
Leaning upon the rail which guarded the schooner's side, he stretchedtowards the oncoming boat, closely watching its movements, while at thesame time he eagerly listened for sounds from below, for some sign whichwould tell him that Mr. Beverley and John Marshall had sprung from theirbunks and were rushing to his aid. Nor was he destined to be kept longwaiting, for hardly had the words left his lips, warning those on theboat to come no nearer, than a pistol-shot rang out in the night withstartling loudness, the sharp report rushing up from the cabin below.Then a piercing shriek awakened the echoes, telling of the foul crimewhich had just been committed. Almost instantly there was the noise of ascuffle below, followed by the soft thud of a heavy blow delivered, anda second afterwards a crash and the sound of splintering wood as someunwieldy body fell upon the table.
Utterly bewildered at the turn which events had suddenly taken, Tylerstood there leaning upon the rail, dumbfounded and uncertain how toact. Not for long, however, did he hesitate, for whatever the troublebelow there was no doubt that a serious danger threatened them outside.Indeed, one quick glance told him that in spite of his warning words thedim ghostly object which he had caught sight of was rapidly approaching,while the splash of oars became now still more distinct. Instantly hisfinger closed round the trigger of his weapon, and just as the clatterof heavily-booted feet ascending the companion told him that JohnMarshall was at hand, his revolver spoke out, sending a bullet into thevery centre of the men crowded together in the oncoming boat. There wasanother shriek, still more piercing than that one which had ascendedfrom below, while a shadowy figure, which he could just see through thegloom, suddenly tossed a pair of lanky arms into the night and thencollapsed in a heap. But what was a life to these marauders? With asavage heave, as the lifeless body fell upon him, one of the oarsmentossed his dead comrade overboard, and then bent to his oar once more,stimulated to do so by the encouraging shouts of a burly individual whostood in the bows of the boat.
"On them!" he shouted in stentorian tones, using a mixture of the Dutchand Malay language. "Clamber aboard and slit the throats of any of theEnglishmen who may still be alive. Pull for it, for if you do not hurryHanns Schlott will have done the work, and you will be disappointed."
Bang! Once again Tyler's smoking revolver launched a missile at theenemy, a shrill cry of pain clearly denoting the fact that it had founda billet. Then John Marshall's lithe figure suddenly appeared besidehim and another weapon opened into the darkness. In rapid succession,and with steady and unerring aim, did the tw
o young fellows fire uponthe pirates. But they might have been a hundred yards away for all theeffect they produced, for these men were used to such scuffles, and werenot to be so easily turned aside, particularly when they recollected thefact that the schooner had at the most but three white men to protecther, whilst on board were staunch allies of their own. Every momentthey waited to hear the voice of the Dutchman, Hanns Schlott, who hadso cleverly obtained the post of interpreter. They listened eagerly andpeered into the gloom as they plied their oars, looking to see his bulkyfigure at the head of the Malay crew. Nor was their patience severelytried, though in the case of the rascally Dutchman they were doomed todisappointment; for when a few yards separated the bows of their boatfrom the schooner's side, ten dusky figures came rushing from theirquarters for'ard and swept in a body along the deck.
"Look out!" shouted Tyler in warning tones. "The crew have joinedagainst us and we must fight for our lives. Back to the stern, but firstof all where is Mr. Beverley, for we cannot think of retiring till heis with us? Steady, John! Stand side by side with me, and rush for thecabin."
Grasping his comrade by the sleeve, Tyler made a movement towards thecompanion, with the full intention of darting down into the space belowand rescuing his leader. But scarcely had he moved a pace than thestrong fingers of the boatswain arrested his progress and urged himtowards the stern.
"Yer can't do it. It's out of the question, I tell yer, sir, for Mr.Beverley's dead, he's been murdered by that scoundrel."
"Dead! Killed by Hanns Schlott!" exclaimed Tyler, instantly realizingthat any deed of violence and treachery must be attributable to theDutchman. "How awful! But how do you know? Are you not making a terriblemistake?"
He blurted out the words in short sentences, and remained there,determined not to budge an inch or to do anything to secure his ownretreat until he was assured by his companion that it was uselessto attempt to bring help to their leader. And all the while the twoyoung fellows stood resolutely side by side, resolved to support oneanother to the end, and die rather than submit, for each realized thatcapture would be followed by nothing else but a cruel death. Indeed,the knowledge that that would be their end without a doubt should theyfall into the hands of these enemies who had suddenly sprung up fromthe darkness braced their nerves, and helped their determination tofight desperately. Dragging their reserve weapons from their belts theylevelled them at the crew who had mutinied, whilst each kept his eyeturned ever and anon to the side from which the boat-load of pirates wasapproaching, prepared to send a bullet in that direction the instant themarauders appeared.
"Quick! How do you know that he is dead, that this villain, HannsSchlott, has murdered him?" demanded Tyler hoarsely. "Tell me at once,for otherwise I will dash below and see things as they are for myself."
Once more he stepped towards the companion as though doubtful of theinformation which his companion had given, and anxious to clear up themystery of Mr. Beverley's absence for himself. But a shout from John anda firm grip of his fingers once more arrested him, while the explanationof this strange silence of their leader, the reason why he was not thereto stand or fall beside them, was hissed into Tyler's ears.
"He's dead, sure enough," said John Marshall. "Just before your shoutto those beggars came rushing down below I thought I heard suspicioussounds in the cabin. I didn't like to think that some villainy wasafoot, and so I just hopped out of my bunk and came into the alleyway.Then I stole softly into the cabin, match-box in hand, and a luciferbetween my fingers. I was just in the act of striking a light when yourshout startled me. A second later a pistol went off within three yardsof where I stood, while Mr. Beverley gave a shriek which made my bloodrun cold. I dropped the match in my terror, but a second after it flaredup in the darkness, lighting the cabin from end to end, and showingme Hanns Schlott kneeling on the floor with a smoking pistol in hishand. Like a flash I guessed the murdering game he'd been after, andI scarcely gave him time to get on to his feet when I was upon him. Ijust gave a jump across the cabin and then let fly with my fist, sendinghim crashing into the table. Then I struck another lucifer, and findinghim capsized all in a heap, and completely stunned, I ran across to Mr.Beverley. He's dead I tell yer, sir, for there's a bullet wound as bigas my fist over his heart and not a breath came from his lips. Let's getback to the stern."
Hissing the words in Tyler's ear, but a few moments had been employedin imparting the information. But short though the interval had been,it had been sufficient to increase the gravity of the position, for bynow the crew of Malays who had manned the schooner, and who up to thishad hung back awaiting the arrival of Hanns Schlott to lead them, haddecided to attack without his help, and one of their number springingforward, kriss in hand, the remainder came rushing in a body towardsthe two young Englishmen, brandishing their weapons above their headsand shouting at the top of their voices. Almost at the same instant therays from the lantern, which was slung as a riding-light in the for'ardpart of the schooner, fell upon the villainous face of the Dutchman,Christian van Sonerell, who came climbing over the bulwarks, quicklyfollowed by a dozen cut-throat Malays.
"Back to the stern!" shouted Tyler, turning swiftly about. "Get behindthe gun and stand ready to shoot!"
Joined by John Marshall, he raced towards the end of the schooner tillhis progress was suddenly obstructed by a cable which stretched fromthe rail to the end of the tiller, and then again across to the oppositebulwarks.
"Look out for the rope!" he cried in warning tones. "Now step overit, and give it a hitch to pull it taut. It will stretch as a barrierbetween us and the Malays."
Quick to grasp his meaning, the young boatswain thrust his weapons intohis belt so as to set his hands free, and then, darting to the side,rapidly unloosed the rope which kept the tiller amidships and fromswaying from side to side as the vessel lay at anchor. With the deftfingers of a sailor he rearranged it, pulling it taut till it stretchedbetween the bulwarks like a bowstring. Then, finding that there was someyards of slack, he darted forward once more to where the binnacle stoodsome six feet beyond the end of the tiller, and, making a turn of therope around it, brought the tail-end to the opposite side.
"That'll fix 'em!" he cried in tones of excitement as he returned toTyler's side. "It's too dark for those fellows to see the cable, andthey'll find themselves brought up sharp when they come rushing towardsus. Are yer ready for them, sir?"
Meanwhile Tyler had been by no means idle, for there was much to be doneto prepare for the contest. Seeing that his companion had realized thehelp which the rope barrier would give them, he turned his attention tothe gun, and hastily threw off the tarpaulin jacket with which it wascovered. Gently running his fingers over the breach, they quickly camein contact with a small heap of powder which he had carefully left inposition there when loading the weapon. A moment's search discoveredthe touch-hole, and a rapid movement of the hand swept the glisteninggrains over it. Stooping down he looked along the barrel, and aided bythe light cast by the lantern which swayed in the for'ard rigging, andwith one hand turning the wheel which altered the elevation, he rapidlylevelled the barrel so that the contents would sweep about waist-highacross the deck. A slight movement of the breech towards the leftpointed the gun clear of the binnacle and towards that portion of theship where the pirates were massing.
"That's done," he shouted in answer to John Marshall's question; "andnow I'm ready to blow a hole through the rascals. Stand aside, John,and just keep your eye upon them. The lamp swings in just the rightposition, and by its aid every one of the enemy can be seen as he moves.It is more than likely that the leader is the only one possessed of apistol, so watch him closely, and when you see him about to fire letdrive with your own weapon. I will stand beside the gun, but unless theyrush at us in one dense body I shall not discharge it, for the ropeswill protect us, and, moreover, it is probable that at first only a fewof the most courageous will venture to attack. Later on, when mattersbecome more serious, I will fire my pistol over the touch-hole and senda show
er of grape scattering through them. Ah, there is the ringleader,and by his movements he is about to lead them to the assault!"