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King of Ranleigh: A School Story Page 14



  Sturton was as good as his word when he said he meant to work and tomake the rest of the school work with him.

  "A regular nigger-driver," grumbled Masters, his face as long as afiddle as he read the announcement on the board in the corridor close tothe quad. "Listen to this. Here's a oner."

  Very slowly, for he was not an expert at reading aloud, Masters gave thecrowd about him the contents of the notice. There was no doubt about iteither, bold though the innovation was. Sturton had put it down in bigblack letters which there was no mistaking.

  "Notice!" it read. "In future, with a view to bringing those at Ranleigh to a condition of fitness, there will be compulsory exercise for all daily. The head prefect of each dormitory will present a list to the Captain at the end of each week, setting out against the name of each boy what exercise he has taken daily. It will be left to the honour of individual boys to make a truthful return. Exercise may take the form of football, fives, running, or gymnastics. At least an hour and a half must be spent at one of these. For football boys may join their own dormitory scratch games. For fives they may make up a four as formerly. In the Gym. they will be under the direction of the sergeant. On Saturdays there will be dormitory football, save when there is a school match. Once a week there will be a school run.


  There it was in cold letters.

  "When do we breathe and sleep?" gasped Masters, when he had assimilatedthe whole of this momentous notice. "This means slavery."

  "Rot!" ejaculated Bert, who happened to be near him. "It'll mean a dealless loafing, less guzzling at the tuck, or round where the tuck-boxesare kept, and a deal more fitness about the fellows."

  "Hooray for Sturton! He means business."

  It may be imagined that the innovation was discussed from every point ofview. There were plenty of fellows at Ranleigh who eagerly welcomed thechange.

  "It's the best way of dealing with slackers without a doubt," saidBagshaw. "Wish I could take part in the thing myself. By the way, ofcourse Sturton ought to put something about boys being excused who areill, and so on."

  A second notice was pinned beneath the first without delay, which madethe position perfectly clear, while it showed that the Captain had noidea of altering his decision.

  "Those in the 'sick-room' will be shown as so in dormitory lists," itran. "Those permanently excused active exercise by doctor's orders will,if fit for the same, carry goal-posts, referee, or otherwise makethemselves useful and interested in the games of their fellows. Absencefrom the school will be the only other excuse taken."

  "And what if we kick and decline to be run about by this fellowSturton?" asked Rawlings, who had now managed to chum up with one namedNorman, head prefect of West Dormitory, a somewhat sulky, nervelessindividual. It was a matter for wonder, in fact, how he had contrived toascend to the post of head prefect of West. Certainly his own ambitionsand efforts had not carried him to that exalted station. But he happenedto be a brilliant mathematician, and by no means backward in otherbranches of his studies, and had therefore soon arrived at the SixthForm. Force of custom rather than anything else had made a prefect ofhim. As a consequence, West, once noted for its brilliance in games, hadnot improved under his leadership. If Norman could have his own way hewould have allowed matters to go on much as they were before Harvey tookthe lead. He had grumbled then at the added energy required. Hepositively growled when he had read Sturton's notice.

  "What if we kick?" he repeated, for in Rawlings he found a ready andsympathetic listener. "What'll he do? Can't kick the whole lot of us,can he?"

  "Then he'd have to grin and bear it," smiled Rawlings sardonically. "Onewould think we'd come to Ranleigh to be at Sturton's beck and call.Supposing a chap hates games; he's got to play 'em simply because ofthis idiot. What will you do? Cave in?"

  The question was artfully put. Rawlings made Norman believe that hethought that such a course was only natural. In effect, he very stronglyhinted that Norman had no alternative, that he was too weak, and that hewas afraid of incurring Sturton's displeasure. And as may be imaginedwith a sulky individual like Norman, opposed to active exercise of anysort, sulkiness became swiftly stubbornness. From that instant Normanmade up his mind to oppose the captain of the school to the utmostextent, in which decision he was secretly and actively encouraged andhelped by Rawlings.

  "Of course, I'll have to send in this bothering weekly return," saidNorman, after a while, when the matter came up again for discussion."But that doesn't say that I'm going to bother whether the fellows haveactually been playing footer or fives or--what's the other, there's sucha heap of 'em?"

  "Gym. Wonder it isn't skittles."

  "Well, I shan't bother, and you can let the fellows know that."

  West soon gathered the meaning of their prefect. For the benefit of thatdormitory, and to the credit of the majority of its members, it may bestated that few availed themselves of the dark hints thrown out byRawlings. Sturton was a general favourite, and Ranleigh boys were wiseenough to see that a certain amount of exercise was good for everyone,while it certainly helped to make them efficient in games and gave addedchances in school matches. _Esprit de corps_ was by no means dead inWest, and much to Norman's annoyance a goodly proportion of the boysthere followed Sturton's wishes to the very letter. A few did not. Theybanded themselves on the side of Norman and Rawlings. At the Saturdaymatches played between teams selected from individual dormitories theplay of the boys of West was marked by slovenliness on the part of some,by desperate eagerness on the part of others. Even Sturton couldn't helpnoticing the matter.

  "It's that fellow Norman, with Rawlings behind him," said Bagshaw, whowas the Captain's right-hand man, just as he had been in the case ofHarvey. Bagshaw was, indeed, a born organiser and leader. Had he beenpossessed of health and strength there was not the smallest doubt thathe would have been Ranleigh's Captain. But none but an active leader isunderstood of schoolboys. Ranleigh liked and admired Bagshaw. Oftenenough he was feared. But he was never admired as were Harvey andSturton.

  "Pity, too," added Bagshaw. "Norman's a queer fellow, and wantsunderstanding. He can be as nice as possible if properly handled, and assulky as a bear if crossed. There's no doubt that he's made up his mindto break this scheme you've started."

  "Then he must stand by the consequences. But I'd be sorry to have anupset. Look here, Bagshaw," said Sturton, "take an opportunity to speakto him. Persuade him in a friendly way, and not as if I wished it, toplay the game and help the scheme. Everywhere else it has beenswallowed. Fellows are as keen as mustard, and what is more, I'm surethey are happier. For there's always something to do now. It's too earlyto speak yet, but the Head says he thinks the boys look better. You havea chat with Norman."

  No better envoy could have been selected. Bagshaw was a master of tactand discretion, and it followed, therefore, that he allowed several daysto pass before accosting Norman, and even then it appeared to be apurely accidental meeting. Moreover, the result of his tactfuldiscussion was, for the moment, excellent. Norman saw the error of hisways. A strong character such as Bagshaw's easily appealed to and swayedhim. But there was Rawlings to reckon with, and that immaculate andscheming gentleman rapidly set himself to work to upset all the goodBagshaw had accomplished.

  "So you're going to work in with Sturton?" he asked, with a sneeringsmile, when Norman had confided in him. "Congratulations!"

  "What else can a fellow do? He asked me," answered Norman lamely, halfapologetically, for Rawlings' sneers and gibes made him flinch.

  "What else? Oh, nothing. Of course he asked you," said Rawlingsmeaningly.

  "Eh? Why?"

  "Well, he couldn't do anything else, could he? Sturton can't compel.This is a free country. Supposing you kicked? Why, we then come back tothe very question you asked when this tomfoolery was first started.Supposing you kick? What can Sturton do?"

>   "Yes, I see; so we have. It's the same question over again," admittedNorman.

  "Well, and what can he do?"

  Norman was floored. Rawlings had the peculiar power of always making himfeel as if he were a weakling and a fool, and as if others were gettingthe best of him. He only wished that Bagshaw had had that discussionwith Rawlings, or when he was present. He felt angry with himself, and,of a sudden, angry with Rawlings for his asserted superiority.

  "Look here! You always know best what to do. Or think you do," he statedbluntly. "What'd you do if you were in my place?"

  "Not be led by the nose, that's one thing. Not allow the wind to blow meboth ways. Not give in as soon as I found out that a fellow was afraidof me."

  "Afraid of me! Sturton? Not he."

  "Sturton, yes," said Rawlings, with another of those satirical smiles."Else why did he send Bagshaw to interview you? He knows you're kicking.What can he do? He's floored. He's bound to send round and ask you to bea good boy and help him."

  "But--but Bagshaw didn't say that," replied Norman desperately. "Hepointed out that it was a pity that I should be the exception. He askedme to think of the school."

  "School be hanged!" declared Rawlings. "It's Sturton, Bagshaw's askedyou to think of. This is his pet scheme. Chaps have swallowed it becausethey couldn't help. You hate it. Then why be a mug and let him win youround with tales of the school and its honour, and so forth?"

  All the good that Bagshaw had effected was destroyed in a few moments.Norman was, as we have said, one of those vacillating fellows whoseopinions a breath will change. And here was Rawlings persuading himagainst his better feelings, and persuading him, too, without muchdifficulty. It may be said, indeed, that Rawlings had a perfect masteryin that direction. It was a pity that he did not use his powers tobetter purpose, while for the one he so easily twisted round hisfingers, it may be said that it was a pity in his case that Sturton didnot at once deal severely with him. For discipline and force are alsopersuasive powers. There are many youths and men also who, when left totheir own devices, pursue a crooked line, their course marked bytempers, perverseness, and ill-feeling. But, if compelled by a stronghand, one they recognise as strong, run a course marked by itsdirectness, and distinguished by eagerness for their task, enthusiasmfor their leader, and the very best of tempers. Norman had it in him tobehave like that. As a leader, even in a small way, he was worse almostthan useless. Driven if need be, or led if he were wise, he could be amost excellent ally.

  However, for the moment he had been persuaded into opposing Sturton'sexcellent scheme, and we must leave him and West Dormitory to theirdevices.

  Discussion in the ranks of the Old Firm waxed furious when first Sturtonposted his notice. But a few hours' contemplation, and some heatedarguments, soon made converts of them. Even Masters grumblingly assentedto the scheme.

  "Awful nuisance, of course," he said. "But there's one thing."

  "What's that?" demanded Bert.

  "Exercise don't give time for impots. That beast Canning'll have to dowithout 'em."

  But, strangely enough, Masters began to escape impots. Seeing the energywith which his friends threw themselves into the Captain's scheme, hehad perforce to do likewise, and to his own astonishment he found theinclination to work in form time greater, the temptation to misbehaveless, while he was distinctly less inattentive. But there was somethingmore. He and Clive were deadly in earnest where football was concerned.They played respectively inside and outside right in the forward line,and but a few days from the beginning of the term had been lucky enoughto attract Sturton's attention.

  "George!" he remarked to Bagshaw, always his close attendant. "Didn'tknow those youngsters had it in them. At any rate, I didn't thinkMasters could be half as fast. He stuffs so much one would think itimpossible. Look at 'em now. They've got the ball between them. Pretty!"he shouted. "Well done, Masters and Darrell."

  You could have dug a pin in deep without Clive flinching. So greatly washe elated that he would easily have borne any suffering; while, as tothe pain of a pin prick, that was nothing. It was part of the entrancerites of the Old Firm that a member must bear the thrust of a pin tillit was buried to the head, and that without flinching.

  "Worth watching, those two youngsters. Good fellows," said Bagshaw, whoknew the inner history of every boy. "Might, one day, do for the team."

  Sturton looked the two youngsters carefully up and down.

  "Might," he agreed. "Two years hence, perhaps. They're real nippyforwards, and ain't selfish. Just look at Susanne!"

  The latter attracted and held their attention for some while, for theFrenchman was a promising player. Slow, but strong, he played anexcellent game at back, and had the weight and size for kicking.

  "In a year he'd be big enough and know enough of the game," saidSturton. "Put him down, Bagshaw."

  That day, in fact, saw the names of four of the Old Firm entered inBagshaw's list of promising Ranleighans. For in the Gym they came acrossHugh disporting himself on the horizontal bar, where he performedcleverly.

  "Yes, sir. Make a good gymnast. Been trained badly or not at all," thesergeant told them. "But I'm watching him. This Mister Seymour'll begood to watch and bring along. Ranleigh could do with another of thosechallenge shields from Aldershot."

  He nodded across to the wall of the Gym, whereon hung the shield wonoutright at the Aldershot public schools competition.

  A month made an indisputable difference to Ranleighans. Steady, dailyexercise told its tale without a doubt. The health of the school wasdecidedly better. True, the Head had at first been astounded and almostalarmed at the increased amount consumed at meal time. But then, thetuck was less often visited. Boys who in past times had lolled theafternoons away because there was nothing to do, now had no time toslack over their tuck-boxes and gorge. It was becoming almost bad formto gorge, though due allowance was, of course, made for the naturalcapacity of growing boys. And then, throughout the school there hadarisen a friendly rivalry. The Head, with that discretion which markedhim, came forward with a dormitory cup for runs, and this was to be wonby the dormitory receiving the greater number of marks at the end of theterm for the prowess of its individuals. Another dormitory cup was putup by a friend for football, and a third for gymnastics.

  But the chief inducement of all, the aim and object of the whole schoolwithout exception, for even here Rawlings and Norman were in agreement,was the great annual football match with Parkland School, on thisoccasion to be played at Ranleigh.

  "Harvey did his best to win, so did others before him," assertedSturton, when six weeks of the term had gone and already a markedimprovement in the playing of football had been apparent. "We'll do ourutmost too, and choose our men carefully. I'm going to make a changethis time."

  "What's that?" demanded Bagshaw.

  "Choose my men early, play them constantly, and fill up gaps and theplaces of those who go back in their play with reserves on my list. Themost important thing is to get our team playing together, so as to knowone another. Of course, we've a match against Ringham boys, and one ortwo others. But we've always beaten them in past years, and will do soagain easily. So I mean to raise a team of masters and boys. Fortunatelythere are a number of the masters who play keenly, and they withselected boys will put up a game which will test the fellows we choosefor the big match. How's that?"

  The scheme, added to Sturton's other one, was, in fact, good, and, wemust add, one practised at many schools. By carefully watching thedormitory games, and checking the playing of boys whose names had beenrecommended by their prefects, Sturton soon had a list of likelyplayers. Two elevens were chosen from these, and a fine game playedbetween them, when the Head himself helped in the selection of the finaleleven. Then, once every week, and rather oftener as the great dayapproached, this eleven played a strenuous game against another composedof masters and boys, while Bagshaw coached them and refereed at one andthe same moment. A looker on at that game could not have helped admitthat one and all we
re in fine condition. After all, boys cannot takepart in a weekly run, the length of which was gradually extended, indaily exercise of some energetic nature, in gymnastics and fives andwhat not, without becoming wonderfully fit. There was also the regularmorning dip, which, though not compulsory, had now become a regularhabit with the entire school. So popular was the notion indeed, thatboys now descended by dormitories, times being arranged, and a limitedperiod being given for the bathing.

  Even West Dormitory had come up to scratch, while Norman, at firstgrudgingly, and now with generous openness, expressed his approval ofSturton's scheme, and applauded its success. But then, Bagshaw had hadsomething to say to that. There had been a discussion between himselfand Sturton and the Head, and as a result Rawlings had been promoted toanother dormitory.

  "On probation, you will please understand," said the Head, kindly butseriously, when informing that lordly gentleman. "Last term I had thepainful task of degrading you. Now I am advised that it would be as wellto give you another trial. You will go to East, where I hope you willremain next term as a prefect."

  As it happened, there was a sterling fellow in charge of East, a tall,burly youth from Australia; one, too, in the habit of calling a spade aspade, and intensely loyal to his school.

  "Just the fellow to sit on Rawlings if he wishes to belittle the newscheme," Bagshaw had advised. "At any rate, he's not likely to comeunder his influence. If the Head would move Rawlings there, onprobation, and say nothing to Harper, in East, why, no one'll be thewiser, and Norman, left to himself, will see that he's been acting likea fool, and will come into line with the others."

  The wise Bagshaw was of huge value to Sturton and to the schoolgenerally. The plan he proposed, and which the Head adopted, workedwonderfully. Norman regained his keenness of a sudden, while Rawlingsfound himself in strange quarters. He despised this big AustralianHarper. But he took good care not to let him see that he did so, forHarper was not the one to put up with nonsense. Rawlings was even wiseenough to keep his sneers and gibes to himself for a while, till he knewexactly what his senior's feelings were. And on the first occasion,when, imagining Harper to have cause for displeasure with Sturton, heventured to disparage that fine fellow, and belittle his scheme, Harperturned upon him like a tiger.

  "That's your sort, is it?" he asked grimly. "Don't you let me hear yousay another word against Sturton or this scheme he's started. And lookhere, Rawlings. I noticed you skulking last dormitory run. You'll leadour fellows to-morrow, and I'll be with you."

  Thereafter Rawlings kept very much to himself. He hated Harper, hatedthe exercise he was bound to take, and loathed Ranleigh. But, then, thatwas because he was too arrogant and selfish for his fellows. If he weredisgusted, and if Harper's open contempt of him galled, there wereplenty of others at Ranleigh who loved the place, who gloried in theimprovement which Sturton had wrought, and who awaited the final testwith eagerness and no little assurance.

  "We'll lick those Parkland fellows hollow," declared Masters, as he layin bed one evening.

  "If we can," ejaculated Susanne, with caution.

  "If we can!" cried Masters indignantly, sitting up promptly. "There's athing to say! Why, even Sturton says we've a chance, and that'ssomething."

  It was a great deal, in fact. Sturton had taken pains to ascertain thefighting strength of Parkland. Against that he weighed the prowess ofhis own team. And, though unusually reserved in such matters, theadmission had been dragged from him that Ranleigh had a chance. Thatchance the following Saturday was to see made absolutely certain ordashed aside. Ranleigh awaited the day with a curious mixture of fearand eagerness.